Twinkle Toes
Twinkle Toes: As the numbers have not picked up this term the Vestry has made the difficult decision to cease the program for the remainder of Term 4.
This decision will be revisited in the New Year and if interest warrants it the group will restart. We warmly thank everyone for their help and assistance over the years.
Twinkle Toes is held every Thursday at from 10am to 11:30am in the Church Hall.
Twinkle Toes is a music and movement ministry for the very young, from babies to 4-year-olds. Both parents and children are encouraged to join with exercise and play set to music. It runs on Thursday mornings during term time in the Church Hall.
The session lasts about an hour and a half, starting at 10am with music and movement, followed by morning tea for children and carers, followed by playtime. A gold coin donation is welcome.
For further information, contact the parish office on 528 5588.