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For Others

The world-wide Anglican Communion is committed to a holistic view of the Church’s mission – what we as Christians are sent out to do. The Five Marks of Mission that the Anglican Communion has identified are:

  1. To proclaim the Good News of the Kingdom

  2. To teach, baptise and nurture new believers

  3. To respond to human need by loving service

  4. To transform unjust structures of society, to challenge violence of every kind and pursue peace and reconciliation

  5. To strive to safeguard the integrity of creation, and sustain and renew the life of the earth

This is a big challenge!

At Trentham Anglicans, we seek to meet this challenge in a number of ways. Much of what we do in terms of proclaiming the Good News and teaching, baptising and nurturing new believers can be found in FAITH and FAMILY.

Other ways in which we as a Parish seek to reach out within our wider community are:

Along with the other Anglican Parishes in the ‘Upper Hutt Cluster’ (Upper Hutt, Silverstream and Stokes Valley), twice a year we provide household goods for a Refugee Household, as part of an initiative organised by the Anglican Diocese of Wellington and the Catholic Archdiocese of Wellington.

In late November, the Parish runs a God’s Present Evening, to help those who would otherwise experience significant financial strain as a result of buying Christmas presents.

The Parish provides the venue for those attending the Bread, Fruit and Vege Run. Every Wednesday, a group from the wider Trentham community organise the distribution of food to those who need it.  

We are also proud of our support to the Upper Hutt Housing TrustOne of our parishioners represents the Parish as a Trustee. We are one of the church groups in the Upper Hutt area that pool their resources to support the UHHT's work to provide emergency and transitional housing to those in need of a chance to get their lives back on track. The Trust continues to go from strength to strength doing God's work in our City. 

The Rev Dave Smart is not just our Assistant Priest, but also exercises an important ministry within the God’s Squad Christian Motorcycle Club. The club’s monthly gathering, Zac’s Place, currently takes place in the Church Hall. We have also provided the venue for occasional one-off God’s Squad events.

Currently our Community Garden in Smallfield Lane is being run by Mahinga Kai and is used to provide food for our local community.

The Parish has a Climate Change Catalyst¸ whose role is to encourage the parish family to engage with issues around climate change, which is an important area of mission for the wider diocesan family.